Banksia Park International High School
Our Students
There are a range of support services available to both students and parents at Banksia Park International High School. Students can approach the relevant person or complete an appointment request slip through the student services desk. Parents can make appointments by contacting the school.
Academic Support
The school’s resource centre is open on Wednesday afternoons from 3.05pm to 3.45pm for students who prefer to do some quiet homework or study. Students have access to all resources and computers during this time. Subject teachers often use this time to meet with students for extra tuition and assistance with their studies.
Student Life Mentors and Subject Teachers
Student Life Mentors are a great first point of contact for a variety of matters including:
- Attendance/absence
- Uniform
- Daily routines
- General matters.
It is best to contact a subject teacher if you have curriculum or subject specific matters.
Year Level Leaders / Assistant Principles
Year level managers are assigned to each year level. They are available to support Student Life Mentors and subject teachers and students on a range of issues including:
- Student attendance
- Student behaviour management
- Subject selections
- Timetable changes
- Daily planner use
- Extended caregroup program.
Student Services Desk
This is located in the administration building and provides a range of support services for students and parents including:
- First aid / sick room
- Parent pick up
- Lost property
- Access to phone
- Locating a student or teacher
- Signing in and out
- Make appointments for support services.
Counselling is available by making an appointment through the Well Being desk. The counselling office is located in the Well Being area. Students can talk to a counsellor about a range of issues including:
- School based issues
- Subject information
- Career information
- Friendships
- Harassment
- Personal issues
- Health issues.
The counsellor can provide access/referral to outside support agencies.
Career and Transition Pathways
Students have access to our transition pathways coordinator who can assist with a variety of pathways including:
- Career planning
- Higher education
- Applying for TAFE and Universities
- Apprenticeships and traineeships
- Resume writing
- Subject selections
- Vocational Education and Training (VET)
- Flexible Learning Options (FLO).
Inclusive Education
The IE teachers and support staff assist students with disabilities and learning needs to maximise their success. Individual learning plans assist with recommendations for support to benefit students.
Students can be supported in a variety of ways including:
- Tutoring
- Alternate programs
- Classroom assistance
- Differentiation of curriculum.
Pastoral Support Worker
The PSW supports students with:
- Prayer group
- Connections to local churches
- School events and activities.
- Providing links within the community
Aboriginal Education
Our Aboriginal students and their families are supported by our aboriginal education teacher and aboriginal community education officer. Together they work in many ways including:
- Supporting student learning in and out of class
- Assisting teachers with student learning
- School and pathway planning
- Organisation of functions and activities to embrace Aboriginal culture and identity.
Starting time
8.45 am
Recess break
10.30 am to 10.50 am
Lunch break
12.35 pm to 1.15 pm
Dismissal Time
3.05 pm
Early Dismissal
2.05 pm (Last Day of Each Term)
Our school has a well-equipped canteen which provides a large variety of food for staff and students. The canteen follows the right bite education program. No foods in the canteen are fried or deep fried. The canteen menu is available for you to download to look at the full range of food available.
The canteen is open for breakfast options prior to school starting, and caters for recess and lunch times. Student can pre-order their lunch.
Adelaide Metro Bus Routes
Yatala Vale Road, Katarama Road, Hamilton Road, Haines Road, Cottenham Road, Elizabeth Street (BPIHS Stop 54), North East Road, TTP Interchange
Golden Grove Village, Marie Clark Drive, Bicentennial Drive, John Road, Golden Grove Road, Canton Court, Yatala Vale Road, Hancock Road (Stops 52 and 53 closest to BPIHS – 5 minute walk) Smart Road, TTP Interchange, Paradise, Klemzig, City
This is afterschool service only – pickup from Elizabeth Street (BPIHS Stop 54), along North East Road finishing at TTP Interchange (Zone C)
Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays – 3.15pm pickup at Stop 54 and arriving at TTP Interchange approximately 3.26pm
800S Houghton to Golden Grove via Paracombe
Black Hill/Horn Street, North East Road, Milne Road (BPIHS drop off zone), Friendship Crescent, Surrey Farm Drive