Banksia Park International High School
Banksia Park International High School is a South Australian Government School. All international enrolments to any of our international programs are organised through International Education Services, which is a section of the South Australian Department for Education. This office will process your application and if you have indicated that you wish to enrol at Banksia Park International High School, then your details will be forwarded to the school.
For more information about studying abroad in South Australia, please contact:
International Education Services
Department for Education
PO Box 1152, Adelaide SA 5001 | GFW, 31 Flinders Street, Adelaide SA 5000
Telephone: +618 8226 3402
Fax: +618 8226 3655
short term program
In hosting study tours our school designs a program around the needs of the visiting group. Programs can include special welcome ceremonies with the Tea Tree Gully City Mayor, specialist english lessons, Australian culture activities, experiential lessons in mainstream classes, visits to primary schools or universities, excursions to visit places in Adelaide and beyond. All international students will be provided with a local student buddy during their time at the school.
Our school is one of the largest provider of international study tours in South Australia. Our achievements and success with study tours has been recognized with a South Australian Teaching Award.
long term program
High School Graduate Program
This program is available for international students who wish to complete their secondary schooling in South Australia and gain the South Australian Certificate of Education (SACE). Students enrolled in the high school graduate program often stay in Australia upon completing school to attend university.
Students in this program are fully supported with an ongoing orientation of the school, local community and Adelaide city. An international manager and international staff assist students with curriculum support and with their general well-being to ensure they have an enjoyable and successful experience at school and beyond.
Intensive Secondary English Course (ISEC)
The ISEC program is designed to further improve international students’ english proficiency. This is done through a series of subjects to increase student’s ability and confidence to listen, speak, read and write in english. Students often undertake this program before entering mainstream classes in the high school graduate program.
Students are fully supported as per students in the high school graduate program.
Study Abroad Program
This program is available for students who wish to study up to one year in the school. Depending on the student’s english proficiency, they can undertake a combination of ISEC and mainstream classes.
Students are fully supported as per students in the high school graduate program.
Homestay accommodation is provided for international students who visit and/or study at Banksia Park International High School. Homestay is where students live with families in the local or surrounding community. A large number of families within the local area enjoy sharing their home and the Australian culture with international students.
Homestay Accommodation – Long Term
This Homestay accommodation is provided for international students in the high school graduate, ISEC or study abroad programs.
Students live with a family in the local or surrounding community. Students have their own furnished bedroom within the family home. All meals are supplied by the family.
Homestay accommodation for long term students is arranged by International Education Services, a section of the South Australian Department for Education. For further information please refer to:
Homestay Accommodation – Short Term
This homestay accommodation is provided for international students on a study tour.
Students live with a family in the local or surrounding community. Banksia Park International High School manages this homestay accommodation and matches students with an appropriate family. The family transports students to and from school each day and provides all meals. Weekend activities are organised by the host family and often include barbeques, trips to the beach or city experiences.
Are you interested in becoming a Homestay?
A major part of the success of our international programs is due to the involvement of Banksia Park International High School students, families and the community in providing homestay accommodation for international students while they are studying with us.
Banksia Park International High School is keen for prospective new parents and/or families to join our homestay program. As a local family hosting an international student, you will have the chance to learn about other cultures, customs and traditions, make lasting friendships with your student and their family, and explore fun things to see and do in South Australia.
Families can become involved in hosting short term international students, for short periods of time generally between 5 and 12 days, or longer term students, ranging from 4 weeks and up to 5 years. Homestay families receive a remuneration for hosting an international student.