Banksia Park International High School

Principal's Welcome

welcome to Banksia Park
International High School

I am proud to be the principal of a school that values: 

  • Quality Learning and Personal Achievement
  • Standards of Excellence 
  • Global Citizenship
  • A Respectful and Supportive Learning Environment 
  • Diversity and Harmony.

The rigorous and regular assessments undertaken by the Council of International Schools (CIS) provide formal endorsement of our school’s international standards of excellence. In addition, we continuously review our learning and teaching programs using the Australian Curriculum, the South Australian Certificate of Education and the latest educational research.

Our students develop strong learning foundations in our middle school where students feel challenged academically and supported as individuals. Personal interests and specialisations are further developed as students progress into our senior school where they are carefully guided through a broad range of pathways that lead to university and higher education, vocational training and employment.

Our Global Citizens Medal offers students the unique opportunity to demonstrate their citizenship skills in a number of ways. It recognises and celebrates civic contributions and dispositions that enhance positive citizenship and has a strong emphasis on values and ethics.

Graduates of Banksia Park International High School are awarded the internationally recognised and externally assessed South Australian Certificate of Education and can achieve the complementary Global Citizen’s Medal. They will have demonstrated and achieved recognition for their academic and personal successes and they will be:

  • Aware and Empowered 
  • Eclectic and Visionary 
  • Respectful and Responsive 
  • Resourceful and Reliable 
  • Discerning and Supportive

We are a school of excellence both internationally and locally. We encourage you to contact us directly or to visit us in person.

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in the

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